Here it’s Wednesday evening, I am at our son’s place. Tomorrow I have to be at the hospital early in the morning for radiation treatment and have the port placed for the chemotherapy treatment. I knew this was going to take place but it went into full gear Tuesday after seeing the Doctor.
My faith and belief are still at the top of the chart. Nothing will waver me because we all know who is in my corner. The Lord almighty is my greatest cheerleader (Amen.)
This morning I spent time resting and thanking God for every minute he gives me. I spoke to two of my sisters and they give me so much love and encouragement, I felt it all the way across the border. During all of the chemotherapy, we will be resting at our son’s place if I get to tired to travel.
At the same time, I feel very at peace with everything. I already have two wigs just in case I lose my hair or I might just go like Mrs Clean his wife of Mr Clean. By the way did Mr Clean have a wife? 🙂 and was she bald? 🙂
The next four or five months it will be over in no time. The good Lord will be traveling this road all the way with me. I know he is never far away. He will give back to me what the devil stole from me (Amen) because we know, who always win the battle, the one and only God Everlasting.
I will try to post this soon because I know you all want to know what’s going on. Like I said it’s going to be a long day tomorrow so be in prayer for me.
My husband and son is out in the other room eating blueberry grunt. I know all you old timers from N.S. know what I mean. I told my son the old timers called it grunt but the new comers calls it duff but the sophisticated ones call it cobbler. 🙂 I don’t know what the folks outside of North Preston calls it. We have a language all of our own and I am so proud of it. 🙂 I am old school, love me some back home. ( know what I am saying? 🙂 )
I better get some sleep but first I better check on those guys and that dessert.
Here we are it’s Friday. The day is beautiful. I spoke to those crazy sisters from across the border. (So much love) I feel very tired today, after yesterday so today is about lots of rest and sleep. I start my first chemotherapy on Thursday. Continue to pray for me and all the other ladies going through this. We might not know them but God knows who they are. I will let all of you know how it goes. God already know how it’s going to go (right) he will be there by my side.
The scripture for today. (Deuteronomy 2:7) The Lord your God has blessed you in all the work of your hands. He has watched over you journey…..and have not lacked anything.
Good evening Sis.
We sure did talk and laugh tonight:-) just what I need. It should be the other way around but when ever I talk to you I always feel relax and full of energy, your like my pick’me up pill:-)
No one could make blueberry grunt like Mom, in fact I miss all her cooking, her home made beans, stewed rabbit, smothered pork chops, oh I could go on and on. She taught us Sis’ how to cook and bake but I didn’t pay attention to some of stuff I wish I could cook now. Even the Brothers knew how to cook and bake:-)
I can tell your full of the Holy Spirit and God knows that and “yes” He will be with you all the way throughout your treatment on Thursday. Like so many of us have already said He knows His children. I have already seen that in my other Sisters who have cancer and look at how well they are doing.
Continue to stay strong and positive, be in the word and meditate on the word.
Now it’s time for me to go write in my journal and do the same.
May God bless you and give you a good night sleep.
Happy CDN/USA Day:-)
Love always Sis. Juliette