Sister Hood in the Treatment Room

Well, I started my blog on Thursday morning while reclining in the chemotherapy chair with three bags of chemical running through my veins. Things are going good. Talking with ladies that have difference cancers. Believe it or not they have a story to tell. Some are handling it differently than others. On the first day, everyone gave bits of advice that were so helpful. It was about ten of us today. I was hoping to be finished at about noon but I have  to wait for more test results. So, I keep telling myself to be patient so that the nurses can do their jobs. Everyone is so professional and nice here, they’re a great bunch of nurses. Lots of laughter and fun.

I was very proud of myself this morning, when a lady came in not knowing what to expect on her first visit for treatment. She started crying, I think she was afraid of the unknown. She missed her life the way it used to before cancer. I  told her to put the fears in the Lords hands so that he can help her carry this burden. She cannot do it alone, without Him. She want to have a big party with lots of her friends. She also invited us along which was very good of her.

Another lady just came in. She is teaching the nurses to speak french.  I am trying to eavesdrop. 🙂 That is what makes things easy. So many different subjects going on, which keeps ones mind off the chemotherapy. So far the chemotherapy is going well. (I am so hungry.) I pray I will be able to tolerate a good meal.

So, lets get back to the treatment. Listening to the ladies from last week and today. I will raise my hands in honor of the Lord. He feels our struggles. He is right in the room holding our hand. Thank You Dear Lord.

Now I am listening to BeBe Winans (Grace.) The song is about Gods grace. We can do nothing without Gods Grace.

Just finished treatment, the lady I was talking to is sleeping now. She was having a hard day. I pray she gets through this ok. I will keep her in my prayers. We have to put our strength in the Lord. He will bring us through this.  We should not worry, although being human we have our doubts.

It’s been two days since treatment. We just finished eating dinner, a friend from the church cooked. It was very good. I am still a little tired, but no complaints. The nurse said by the next couple of treatments I might see some lost of hair but that is not a concern of mine. Now don’t get me wrong. I like my hair just like most women but right now I am not going to worry about it. I will not sit in judgment against those who fear losing their hair.

Let’s change the subject from hair. 🙂 Let’s take it somewhere else. I really miss going to church Sunday. The Doctors want me to stay away, as much as possible, from crowds or groups of people because of my immune system. I will heed their words. God helps those  who help themselves. I just finished talking to one of my nieces, she checking in to see how I am doing after the chemotherapy. It was nice of her.

Well I better close down and rest my mind. The scripture for today is  (Psalm 119:03) How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!

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5 Responses to Sister Hood in the Treatment Room

  1. Juliette Thomas says:

    Good morning Sis.

    It is so comforting knowing that your treatment visits are going well, and the support your getting and giving to others. This is what God wants and for you showing compassion to that lady brings tears to my eyes, she probably never had anyone talk to her like that before. The Lord is truely shinning his light on you.

    I know you will miss going to Church, but do as the doctor ask and find a good TV Church to replace going:-) We can have Church anywhere.

    I enjoyed your story today.
    Love you and God bless until we talk again.

    Sis. Juliette

  2. Julie Smith says:

    Good afternoon sis Oggie,
    Thank God you are handling your treatment so well and to be so supported to others around you. God is truly good. I have to compliment you on your stories and what you write in your blog….who know…only God..maybe some day you could write a book. You are so good with words…you always know what to say and how to say it. Today is Wednesday (July 21, 2010) I’m sitting here at my desk at work having lunch and thought I would take a moment to write and to find out how you are doing. Please take the doctors advise and get plenty of rest. I am very happy to hear you are doing so well with your treatment. What you said about hair loss is so true…that is only minor. We have so much to be thankful for. I’m just counting the days to retirement. I will be a retiree on July 29th….thank God for allowing me to retire after 32 years of service with the Province of NS and keep good health. I will try to call over the weekend just to talk and have a few laughs….It’s always good to talk with you and have a good laugh. Mom always said her girls can do some laughing (ha ha ha)….we are just like her.
    Please take a rest and may God continue to bless you until we talk again. Love sis Hi

  3. Alan says:

    Hi Mom, it’s so amazing to read your stories like this, especially since we don’t always get to talk about the details of the treatments and experiences when we talk on the phone. I’m glad to hear that you’re taking it all in stride and that there are some other folks to talk to – I’ve read a lot that having other people who are going through the same experience that you are is really really helpful, and you never know, maybe some of those ladies will be people you talk to after this is all over with!

    Anyway, I’m so very glad you’ve been keeping up with your blog and writing, you know the reason I do it so much is because it helps a lot to get your thoughts and feelings out in the open – I know you know what I mean. 🙂 You take care of yourself, take it easy, and rest well. I love you very much and I’ll see you soon!

  4. Coralyn says:

    Hi Auntie,

    So glad to hear that all is going well with your treatments so far. Reading about your interactions with other patients reminds me so much of what I see when I take Mom in for her treatments – it really is a special thing to witness. I can’t say enough about how well Mom handles the side affects like hair loss and other things – it blows my mind. You can tell you two come from the same family! This whole experience has really put things into perspective for me because there are so many people who are going through a lot more than what I could ever imagine. Thank God that you’re there to help others get through this time. It takes a special person to be able to look beyond what their illness to help others get through cancer. Your strength will help them to become stronger too. Keep doing what you’re doing! I pray that God will continue to use you to be an inspiration to others as you go on this journey to beat cancer. Say hi to Uncle Nelson & Alan too. I’ll drop another line soon. Meanwhile take care.
    Luv Coralyn

  5. LadyKemp says:

    Wow, Lady O, I am just checking back in and the blog has life of its own! I love Sisterhood in the room, and the best part is that you are ministering to them! It reminds me of a scripture; 2 Corinthians 1v3 All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. God is our merciful Father and the source of all comfort. 4 He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us.
    It’s amazing what God will do. I just sit back and expect God to work for our good!

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