Today is Tuesday , all is well. My appetite is coming back very well since my first Chemotherapy. I ate two pieces of chocolate for the first time in awhile. It’s a beautiful day here ,the heat has gone down a bit. The weekend was good both of  us, had a good rest. My husband does most of the cooking and extra work around here. I thank God for giving me such a wonderful and loving man who is a believer in  the All  Mighty God. I try to help but there’s only  somethings I can do. We have help once a month coming to  clean .I think the hard tasks are the day to day little things. I am thankful for what we have and not sweat the small things. My husband don’t mind doing the extras ,so he says.  He went grocery shopping alone today, we usually do those things together. After the treatment, I pray things will get back to normal so I can help more around the house.

I love to bake and cook special foods. I have so much rhubarb in my garden. There are so many deserts I can make with them.

I got a little pissed off at something today but immediately took  it to prayer because it is out of my control. I asked the Lord to calm my mind , soul and spirit. What a wonderful friend to have in Jesus. I can always take my thoughts and problems to him. I pray that He will guide those I love in whatever decisions and choices they make. I have learned we cannot change people .We can only try to steer them in the right direction. So, let’s continue to pray for family members and their choices they make in life. God gave us free will. It’s up to us to pick the right path to travel. We can take the rough and narrow or the easy path paved with gold. I will take the rough and narrow and let God guide me.

God thank  you for  you Son, who  died on the cross and shed His precious blood  for us. Thank you Lord for your precious and unconditional love. I thank you Dear Lord for each and everyday of breath you give me. I thank you Lord for love ones and family for kindness, compassion. I  praise you Dear Lord for your Holiness and grace. You are the King of all Kings and Lord of Lords. I am so thankful for you being in my life. Thank you Dear Lord for calming my spirit when I get upset . You are Mighty Lord and Worthy to be praised.

My husband just went outside to feed the little birdies. They were waiting for him .They are so cute sitting there watching him fill their feeder.

I read this in my  devotional book this morning.

God is on the look out for men and women ,who means business with Him, who remember Him in all His ways, and He always meets such people in blessing and power (Vance Havner)

The scripture for today is (Deuteronomy. 4-9a-B) Only be careful, and watch yourselves closely so that you do not forget the things your eyes have seen or let them slip from your heart as long as you live. I LOVE YOU JESUS . (Amen)

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  1. Coralyn says:

    Hi Auntie,

    So glad to hear that your 1st chemo treatment went well!! God is good, all the time. I look forward to reading your blog whenever I get a chance. Uncle Nelson rocks – you’re blessed to have a strong support system in your home. It reiterates the meaning to the wedding vows that you two exchanged many years ago “… in sickness and in health …” I’m sure that he doesn’t mind taking care of things for you. Rhubarb – my goodness that brings back memories of the rhubarb that Grandmother & Granddaddy used to grow at the homestead. Rhubarb jam is still my favourite!

    Well, I’ll let you go, but I’ll drop another line soon. Give my best to Uncle Nelson and Alan. Take care and may God continue to bless you and comfort you.

  2. Juliette Thomas says:

    Hi Sis.
    Just finished reading your today blog. It’s OK to get a little angry or as you say pissed:-)

    We are only human and your right there will be those rough roads that will test us, but Thank God! He is there for us to lean on.

    I need Nelson in my kitchen, I too love to cook but sometimes I need a break. I remember the year we came to visit and Nelson was busy in the kitchen cooking ribs, oh they were so so off the bone tender good:-)

    Talking about food, my show “everyday food” is on, I really like that one because I usually have everything already home.
    I’ll better go and watch now.

    Have a good Dr.’s appointment tomorrow. I will be praying that all will go well.

    Check in on you later.
    Love your Sister, Juliette

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